《逗鸟外传》精讲 31钻石命运
Okay, you were very prepared for that question. 好吧,你的回答非常详尽 Man, I feel so close to you.Like we're girlfriends already. 伙计,感觉咱们心有灵犀啊,好像我们已经是闺蜜了 All right,I knew. I knew as I was sayi
《逗鸟外传》精讲 32我们像一家人
We're gonna find your parents,and everything is gonna be just perfect. 我们会找到你的父母的,不用担心 You'll find your family.You think?For sure. 我们会找到你的家人。你觉得?当然 Good night.Good night! 晚安!晚安!
《逗鸟外传》精讲 33哄婴儿
What if she never goes to sleep? 如果她再也不睡觉了呢 All right, you know what? I got her.You just go to bed.You go to bed. It's fine. 好吧,其实吧,我来料理她吧。你去睡觉就好了,去睡觉,其他由我来 No, I don't
《逗鸟外传》精讲 34老板人选换了?
All right. Let's keep this quiet.Yes, sir. 好的,我们低调行事。好的,先生 Thank you for your loyalty, Pigeon Toady.Or should I say boss. 感谢你的忠诚,白鸽托迪。或者我该称呼你老板 Cool, cool, cool.Whoa!Steam room i
《逗鸟外传》精讲 35宝宝依赖朱尼尔
Technically, she should be perfectly happy. 严格来说,她很好啊 What are we gonna do? What are we gonna do? 我们接下来干嘛?我们接下来干嘛? I have no idea. 我也不晓得啊 Oh, no! She's gonna blow! She's gonna blow! 哦,不
《逗鸟外传》精讲 36朱尼尔的死敌
This is not a safe way to transport the baby. 用这种方法运输,小宝宝不安全啊 We're parents now. Just go slower. 我们现在是家长了,慢一点。 You're right, you're right, you're right. Slower. 你说的对,你说的对,慢下
《逗鸟外传》精讲 37贾斯伯救场
Oh, jeez. 哦,天呢 What are the chances of that? 你这霉运 I guess, pretty high in a glass factory. 我猜,你在玻璃厂的运气很糟糕吧 Tiny Thing! Tiny Thing! Come on! 小家伙,小家伙,快点! First, we're gonna take Tiny T
《逗鸟外传》精讲 38郁金香找到回家的方法
Honestly, I am very curious. Let's hear it. 说实话,我还挺好奇的,让他继续说 Look, they tell you being a stork isn't gonna be easy. 听着,他们告诉你们作为一个送子鸟是非常不容易的 Always deliver. 永远在送的途
《逗鸟外传》精讲 39朱尼尔赶走郁金香
I'm sorry to cut you off. 不好意思,打断一下 You know what's so funny is just then when you said real family, it, like, weirdly hurt my feelings. 最有意思的是你知道吗,当你说真正意义上的家庭的时候有点让我伤心了
《逗鸟外传》精讲 40郁金香近乡情怯
I'm scared. 我好担心啊 They're your family. They're going to love you. 他们是你的家人,他们会很爱你的。 I'll be right here. 我也会一直在你身边 Oh, oh! Give me your camera. 哦哦,把你相机给我 I'd love to capture
《逗鸟外传》精讲 41朱尼尔被抓
I thought it was a gentrifying neighborhood. 我以为只是在修建中的一个街区 Didn't expect to see you here, brah! 没想到能在这里看见你啊,大兄弟 Oh, yes, I did. I set it up. 哦,我早就想到了,这就是我的杰作 S
《逗鸟外传》精讲 42内特得不到弟弟
The policeman's right, Nate. 内特,警察说的是对的 They don't deliver babies. Not anymore. 他们不会再运送小孩了,永远不会了 Then why did we do all this stuff? 那为什么我们还要做这些 Because we were having such fun
《逗鸟外传》精讲 43白鹤展
Wait a minute. Junior, what is going on? 等等,朱尼尔,发生什么了? What the heck is this? 这到底是什么啊 This is Storkcon. 这是白鹤群 Once a year, storks come together for one thing. 每一年,白鹤都会为一件事情齐聚
《逗鸟外传》精讲 44朱尼尔与郁金香争夺宝宝
Put down that baby! 放下那个宝宝 Growth analytics suggest increased bandwidth enabling us to silo creative core components. 增长分析显示带宽增加让我们更容易的控制核心控件 I got your text. Sorry, but we could only find one
《逗鸟外传》精讲 45朱尼尔与郁金香被发现
My pants fell down. Oh, no! 我裤子掉了,哦不! Where are we going? I don't know! 我们要去那儿?我不知道啊! Oh, okay. Not that way. 哦,好吧,这条路行不通的。 Not that way either. 这里也不行 Hey, guys. 嘿,小家
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