纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 76独裁者不能真正支持民主
A difficult time grew even worse 对路易和玛丽安托瓦内特来说 for Louis and Marie Antoinette 日子变得愈发困难 with the death of their eldest son. 他们痛失了第一个孩子 The death of the Dauphin, the young heir to the throne
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 77具有划时代意义的国民议会
With negotiations at the estates-General still hopelessly bogged down, 与三级会议的谈判仍停滞不前 the Third Estate sent a group to Versailles 第三等级派出一支队伍去凡尔赛 to ask for Louis' help. 旨在获得路易的帮助
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 78明智的君主不与人民为敌
Faced with the crumbling of the structure of the old Estates-General, 面临着旧三级会议体系即将瓦解的现实 Louis XVI decided finally that he would resort to force. 路易十六终于决定诉诸于武力 As a result, he began to call i
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 79法国历史上最悲惨的王后
Louis may not have wanted to go to war with his own people,but many of them now wanted to go to war with him. 路易可能不想和他的子民开战 但他的许多子民想和他开战 Three months after the fall of the Bastille,a group of angry Pa
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 80皇室家族永远离开凡尔赛宫
Whoever said what or when, 什么时候说的 说了什么都不重要了 the revolutionaries were after the queen's blood, 革命分子想置皇后于死地 and were soon breaking down the palace gates. 很快 他们攻陷了宫殿大门 They broke
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 81辉煌的波旁皇族时代终结
They were taken back as the baker,the baker's wife and the baker's son, 他们被当做面包师 面包师的妻子和儿子 inreferenceto the grain and the bread prices that had triggered this. 因为这场暴乱是由过高的粮食价格引发的
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