In the past, religion's contribution to this debate has been from a moral standpoint about the questions of poor behaviour that are encouraged by the loss of our inhibitions. 过去,教会一直从道德层面来解释说行为弱智是自我失控所...
Surely nothing tests the faith of the believer as much as this - the sudden, frightening, violent death of those we love. 确实,没什么比所爱的人惨遭横死更能考验一个人的信仰了。 There have been many attempts to reconcile int...
As things are, I see two dangers and they are linked. The first is that if the Church is quick to assert and slow to listen, it can give the impression to its own members that moral insight is never to be had outside Christianity and that can be hear...
I'm hesitant here to quote anyone from the Bible because recently when I mentioned a saying of Jesus someone objected that he had never run anything in his life. The same's true of St Paul. But writing to the well-off in the city of Corinth about hel...
Few of us want to appear dependent: witness the rugged determination of many older people to resist support to which they're entitled; and the intense frustration of some who've spent a lifetime caring for others who now find it painfully difficult t...
And of course that's just where the problems lie. 但这也正是问题所在。 Though people on both sides appeal to what is natural, nature unhelpfully supports both sides liking both consistency and variety in gender and sexuality. 虽然双方都为...
The debate on gay marriage is making me uncomfortable. Columnists tell me breezily that I should welcome it because of equality. Catholic and Anglican Bishops say I should shun it because it undermines one of the fundamental building blocks of societ...
But social security carries a risk: the risk that some will abuse the system, taking without giving. It's a risk we seem increasingly unwilling to accept. Attitudes are changing. Yet coming down hard on the unemployed also carries a risk. The risk th...
Monsters, unfortunately, sometimes refuse to stay dead. 不幸的是,妖魔鬼怪总会死灰复燃。 Diseases once eradicated can creep back and strike at the most vulnerable in countries least equipped to deal with them. 不幸的是,妖魔鬼怪...
In the front gardens, even in the rain, I notice the first signs of spring and the greyness of winter giving way to small yellow white and purple flowers. Spring is rising in all the animals which include us humans. So we smile good mornings to our n...
To be compassionate is, if we take the word to bits, to suffer with another, to feel their suffering almost as if it is our own. So someone can work hard to relieve suffering, and be highly skilled in doing so, without thereby exhibiting compassion -...
Though it may be a small incident, it does raise the issue of personal responsibility and respect towards others, what should and shouldn't be said in public. But it seems to me that it is also another example of religious sentiment being singled out...
The argument on how to get the balance right between the right to privacy in private life and the importance of having a free press working in the public interest to expose truth is still continuing. 人们依然为如何权衡保护隐私权和媒体为...
William Shakespeare wrote of the seven ages of man, starting with the puking infant and the whining school boy, through the lover, the soldier, the authority of the middle aged justice, then the slippered pantaloon, ending with the dependency of old...
There is a kind of tribalism in us all which can make us feel uneasy, even threatened at times by difference. But our prejudices often tell us more about ourselves than we would like to admit. When the Quran says we have made you into nations and tri...