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《The Mysterious Island 神秘岛》中英双

  • 《The Mysterious Island 神秘岛》Book 2 Chapter 10

    When Pencroft had once got a plan in his head, he had no peace till it was executed. Now he wished to visit Tabor Island, and as a boat of a certain size was necessary for this voyage, he determined to build one. What wood should he employ? Elm or fi...

  • 《The Mysterious Island 神秘岛》Book 2 Chapter 9

    The weather changed during the first week of March. There had been a full moon at the commencement of the month, and the heat was excessive. The atmosphere was felt to be full of electricity, and a period of some length of tempestuous weather was to...

  • 《The Mysterious Island 神秘岛》Book 2 Chapter 8

    The first week of January was devoted to the manufacture of the linen garments required by the colony. The needles found in the box were used by sturdy if not delicate fingers, and we may be sure that what was sewn was sewn firmly. There was no lack...

  • 《The Mysterious Island 神秘岛》Book 2 Chapter 7

    The settlers in Lincoln Island had now regained their dwelling, without having been obliged to reach it by the old opening, and were therefore spared the trouble of mason's work. It was certainly lucky, that at the moment they were about to set out t...

  • 《The Mysterious Island 神秘岛》Book 2 Chapter 6

    Cyrus Harding stood still, without saying a word. His companions searched in the darkness on the wall, in case the wind should have moved the ladder, and on the ground, thinking that it might have fallen down.... But the ladder had quite disappeared....

  • 《The Mysterious Island 神秘岛》Book 2 Chapter 5

    Cyrus Harding and his companions slept like innocent marmots in the cave which the jaguar had so politely left at their disposal. At sunrise all were on the shore at the extremity of the promontory, and their gaze was directed towards the horizon, of...

  • 《The Mysterious Island 神秘岛》Book 2 Chapter 4

    It was six o' clock in the morning when the settlers, after a hasty breakfast, set out to reach by the shortest way, the western coast of the island. And how long would it take to do this? Cyrus Harding had said two hours, but of course that depended...

  • 《The Mysterious Island 神秘岛》Book 2 Chapter 3

    The next day, the 30th of October, all was ready for the proposed exploring expedition, which recent events had rendered so necessary. In fact, things had so come about that the settlers in Lincoln Island no longer needed help for themselves, but wer...

  • 《The Mysterious Island 神秘岛》Book 2 Chapter 2

    On the 9th of October the bark canoe was entirely finished. Pencroft had kept his promise, and a light boat, the shell of which was joined together by the flexible twigs of the crejimba, had been constructed in five days. A seat in the stern, a secon...

  • 《The Mysterious Island 神秘岛》Book 2 Chapter 1

    It was now exactly seven months since the balloon voyagers had been thrown on Lincoln Island. During that time, notwithstanding the researches they had made, no human being had been discovered. No smoke even had betrayed the presence of man on the su...

  • 《The Mysterious Island 神秘岛》Book 1 Chapter 22

    This intense cold lasted till the 15th of August, without, however, passing the degree of Fahrenheit already mentioned. When the atmosphere was calm, the low temperature was easily borne, but when the wind blew, the poor settlers, insufficiently clot...

  • 《The Mysterious Island 神秘岛》Book 1 Chapter 21

    From this time Pencroft did not let a single day pass without going to visit what he gravely called his corn-field. And woe to the insects which dared to venture there! No mercy was shown them. Towards the end of the month of June, after incessant ra...

  • 《The Mysterious Island 神秘岛》Book 1 Chapter 20

    The winter season set in with the month of June, which corresponds with the month of December in the Northern Hemisphere. It began with showers and squalls, which succeeded each other without intermission. The tenants of Granite House could appreciat...

  • 《The Mysterious Island 神秘岛》Book 1 Chapter 19

    The next day, the 22nd of May, the arrangement of their new dwelling was commenced. In fact, the settlers longed to exchange the insufficient shelter of the Chimneys for this large and healthy retreat, in the midst of solid rock, and sheltered from t...

  • 《The Mysterious Island 神秘岛》Book 1 Chapter 18

    Cyrus Harding's project had succeeded, but, according to his usual habit he showed no satisfaction; with closed lips and a fixed look, he remained motionless. Herbert was in ecstasies, Neb bounded with joy, Pencroft nodded his great head, murmuring t...
