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  • 愉悦口语:第91期 拍马屁英文怎么说 讲解文本: cozy up to 奉承,套近乎,亲近以取悦,讨好Mike is cozying up to John so he can get the job. 麦克一直在巴结约翰,希望得到这份工作。 Ever since Maggie got the night shift, she's been cozying up to the bo
  • 愉悦口语:第92期 慢跑还在用run 讲解文本: She jogs every morning before breakfast. 她每天早饭前慢跑。 I jog 10 kilometers a day to lose weight. 我一天慢跑一万米来减肥。 疯狂练习吧!
  • 愉悦口语:第93期 套路英文怎么说 讲解文本: play tricks 捣鬼,耍心机 Don't play tricks on me, I want to know the truth. 别跟我来套路,我要真相。 trap 圈套,陷阱 Don't trust him, you will fall into his trap. 别信他,不然会中他的套路。 疯狂练习
  • 愉悦口语:第94期 小菜一碟英文怎么说 讲解文本: piece of cake 小菜一碟,轻而易举的事 For me, math is just a piece of cake. 数学,对我而言,就是小菜一碟。 Don't worry, breaking up with him is just a piece of cake. 别担心我,和他分手对我来说,轻
  • 愉悦口语:第95期 和好英文怎么说 讲解文本: make up with 与...重修旧好,和解 I think you should forgive Jack and make up with him. 我想你应该原谅Jack,跟他和好。 Why don't you make up with her? She is your best friend. 你为什么不同她和好呢? 她是
  • 愉悦口语:第96期 发言权还能这样说 讲解文本: say 发言权 have a say in 在上有发言权 It's my wedding, I should have a say in this. 这是我的婚礼,我应该有话语权! have no say in 在上没有发言权 Hey, you have no say in this, it's just between me and jac
  • 愉悦口语:第97期 女汉子英文怎么说 讲解文本: tough girl 女汉子,坚强的女生 tough 坚强的,不屈不挠的,艰苦的 tough guy 硬汉 I have never met such a tough girl like Mary, she is really great。 我以前从没有见过Mary这样的女汉子,她真的很棒。
  • 愉悦口语:第98期 安慰英文怎么说 讲解文本: comfort 安慰(可作名词,动词) comfortable 舒服的 I tried to comfort him for his loss in the game. 在他输掉比赛后,我尽力安慰他。 My friend Mary was a great comfort to me when I was sad. 当我难过的时候
  • 愉悦口语:第99期 装傻英文怎么说 讲解文本: play dumb 装傻,装聋作哑 dumb 哑的,不能说话的,笨的 Don't play dumb with me, I know you ate the last piece of cake. 别装傻了,我知道是你吃了最后一块蛋糕。 He says he doesn't know it at all, but I
  • 愉悦口语:第100期 没胃口英文怎么说 讲解文本: appetite 食欲,胃口,欲望 I have no appetite because I didn't sleep well last night. 我现在没什么胃口,因为昨晚没睡好。 Jack works hard, he has a big appetite for improving himself. Jack工作很努力,他非常
  • 愉悦口语:第101期 不爽英文怎么说 讲解文本: annoy 使烦恼,令人讨厌 annoyed 恼怒的,不爽的 What he said annoyed me so much. 他说的话让我超不爽的。 People like that really annoy me. 像那样的人真让我不爽。 I'm so annoyed at the way he looks at
  • 愉悦口语:第102期 cool不只是酷哦 讲解文本: cool 好的,OK的,没事的,可以的 -Do you want some coffee? 要来点咖啡吗? -No, thank you, I'm cool. 不,谢谢,不用了。 good 好的,OK的,没事的,可以的 -Are you free tonight? 今晚有空吗? -I
  • 愉悦口语:第103期 建军节英文怎么说 讲解文本: Army Day 军队日,建军节 China's Army Day 中国的八一建军节 the Chinese People's Liberation Army 中国人民解放军,解放军也会简写成PLAliberation 解放 army 陆军 navy 海军 air force 空军 rocket force 火
  • 愉悦口语:第104期 kill还能这样用 讲解文本: kill 使极不舒服,使疼痛难忍 I can't run any more, my feet are killing me! 我不能再跑了,我的脚疼死了! The long walk killed us. 长时间的行走使我们累死了。 kill 征服,迷倒 She kills everyone wit
  • 愉悦口语:第105期 小气英文怎么说 讲解文本: cheap 便宜的,小气的,廉价的 I don't like Jack cuz he is so cheap. 我不喜欢Jack,因为他太小气了。 Oh, please, Dad, just this once, don't be cheap. 哦,求求你,爸爸,就这一回,别抠门儿了。 疯狂