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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>面试口语脱口而出>


  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第46期:说明面试地点 1. Where is your company? 你们公司地点在哪里? 2. Where is the interview happening? 面试在哪里进行? 3. Could you please tell me the address? 你能告诉我地址在哪里吗? 4. What is the site of your hotel? 请问贵酒店地址
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第47期:面试携带材料 1.What do I need to take with me? 我需要携带什么吗? 2.What documents do I need to carry? 我需要带什么材料? 3.Is there anything I need to take? 我要带什么资料去面试吗? 4.Anything that I should prepare for the interview
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第48期:说话声音模糊 1. I can barely hear you because your veiled voice. 我听不清楚,你的声音太模糊了。 2. You voice is obscured by the noises outside. 你的声音被外面的噪音盖过了。 3. Your voice is very indistinct with the hissing noise. 你的
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第49期:音量过大或过小 1. The volume is too loud. 音量太大了。 2. OK, I will repeat what I said loudly. 好的,我把刚才说的再大声重复一遍。 3. Would you kindly turn it down a little bit? 你能把声音调小点儿吗? 4. Wait a second, I'll turn it
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第50期:语速过快或过慢 1. I am sorry, but could you please speak a little slower? 抱歉,你能说得稍微慢点儿吗? 2. Excuse me, could you slow down a little? 劳驾,你能不能说话慢一点儿? 3. Pardon? Would you speak a little faster? 抱歉,你能说得
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第51期:信号不是很顺畅 1. Sorry, can you repeat that again? I can't hear you. 对不起,你能再说一遍吗?我听不见。 2. There is too much static on the line. 电话里杂音太多。 3 Pardon? I can hardly hear you. 对不起,我听不见。 4. We've got a b
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第52期:双方友好问话 1. Any other questions? 还有别的问题吗? 2. You can contact me any time you need me. Bye. 任何时候需要我就和我联系。再见。 3. Alright, see you. 好的,再见。 4. Wish you good luck. 祝你好运。 5. I guess we have cover
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第53期:准备照片 1. Will you please pose for your picture? 你能摆个姿势吗? 2. I'd like to get this film developed. 我要冲洗这张胶片。 3. I'd like 8 copies. 冲洗8张吧。 4. I'd like a one-inch photo for my interview. 我想要面试时用的一寸照
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第54期:复印证件 1. Could you tell me where the copy room is? 你能告诉我复印室在哪里吗? 2. The copy room is the second room on the right. 复印室在右手边的第 2 个房间。 3. Will you please copy these diplomas for me? 你能帮我把这些证书
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第55期:请人推荐 1. What job would you recommend to me? 你推荐给我什么工作? 2. Mr. Li, does the recommendation of the university play an important role in job himting? 李先生,学校推荐在求职中作用大吗? 3. In fact, the recommendation is a
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第56期:购买正装 1. What should I wear if I want to go to an interview? 我想去参加面试,应该穿什么衣服呢? 2. You should take care to appear well-groomed and modestly dressed. 你应该仪表整齐,穿着得体。 3. Could you give me some suggesti
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第57期:租借正装 1.I want to rent a formal suit for an interview. 我想为面试租借一套正装。 2.Do you make a discount on the suit? 这件西服的租金可以打折吗? 3.We can knock off 10% if you pay in cash. 如果付现金的话,可以打九折。
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第58期:购买鞋包 1. Why don't we go shopping? 我们去逛街吧。 2. Do you have leather shoes here? 你们这里卖皮鞋吗? 3. I want to buy a pair of shoes for an interview. 我想买双面试穿的鞋子。 4. What size do you wear? 你的鞋号多大? 5.
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第59期:关于姓名 1. What's your name? 你叫什么名字? 2. Can I have your name, please? 你能告诉我你的名字吗? 3. How do you spell your given name? 怎么拼写你的名字? 4. Do you have a nickname, or pet name? 你有缚号或昵称吗? 5. Do y
  • 面试英语口语脱口而出 第60期:关于年龄 1. May I know how old you are? 能否告诉我你多大了? 2. We are at the same age. 我们同岁。 3. When and where were you born? 你出生于哪一年?出生地是哪里? 4. When is your birthday? 你的生日是哪一天? 5. I was bom