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新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第三册 Unit 9a

时间:2010-12-20 02:56来源:互联网 提供网友:hs400652   字体: [ ]

  New Words    9A
@   premarital a.   happening before marriage 婚前的
@  collection n.   1. [C] a set of things that have been collected 收藏品
@      2. [U] the act of collecting 收集
@  verify vt.   make certain of or prove the truth of sth. 证实;核实
@  bride n.   [C] a woman who is getting married, or who is just married 新娘
@   bride-to-be n.   [C] a woman who is going to be married soon 准新娘
@  clause n.   [C] a particular part of a written legal document 条款,款项
■  prenuptial a.   before getting married 结婚前的
■  prenup n.   [C] a prenuptial agreement 婚前协约
@  negotiate v.   discuss sth. in order to reach an agreement 谈判;协商
★  prospective1 a.   likely to be or become a particular thing 预期的;可能的
bind2 vt.   (bound, bound)
@      1. hold people or things together 连结;结合
@      2. tie sth. tightly 捆绑,捆扎
@  division n.   1. [C, U] the act of dividing things into different parts 分开;分配
@      2. [C, U] a disagreement among the members of a group 分歧
@      3. [C] one of the parts into which an organization is divided 部门
★  evenly ad.   divided in an equal way 平均地
@  headline n.   [C] the title of a newspaper story printed in large letters 标题
@  contest vt.   1. say formally that one does not agree with sth. 辩驳;质疑
@      2. compete for sth. and try to win it 争夺;竞争
@   n.   [C] a competition 竞赛,比赛
@  wealthy a.   rich 富有的,富裕的
@  candidate n.   1. [C] a person or thing that is likely to do or be sth. 有可能做...的人;有望成为...的事
@      2. [C] sb. who is competing to get a job or position 候选人
@  sting vt.   (stung, stung)
@      1. make sb. feel upset, hurt, or annoyed 激怒;刺激
@      2. (of an insect) cause sharp pain 刺,蛰
@  exposure n.   1. [C, U] the state of being put into a harmful situation 暴露
@      2. [C, U] the act of making sth. publicly known 揭发;揭露
@  academy n.   1. [C] an organization of people interested in the development of a particular subject 研究院;学会
@      2. [C] a school or college that teaches a particular subject 专科学校
@  estate n.   [C, U] all the property and money that belongs to sb. 财产
@  payment n.   [C, U] an amount of money that is paid 付款
@  shield vt.   protect sb. or sth. from being harmed or damaged 保护
@   n.   [C] something that is used as, or provides, protection 防护物;盾(状物)
@  inherit v.   receive property, a title, etc. from sb. who has died 继承
@  enforce vt.   make people obey a rule or law 执行;实施
@  document n.   [C] a paper that gives official written information about sth. 文件;公文
@   vt.   record sth. in writing or on film (以书面或胶片方式) 纪录
@   misplace vt.   put sth. in a wrong place 放错
★  disastrous3 a.   very bad; causing a disaster 极糟糕的;灾难性的
consultant4 n.   [C] sb. who gives advice on a particular subject 顾问
@  invitation n.   [C] a request to sb., inviting5 them to go somewhere or do sth. 邀请
@  signature n.   [C] a person's name written by that person 签名;签字
@  cite vt.   mention sth., esp. as an example 引用
@  awkward a.   1. making sb. feel embarrassed 尴尬的;为难的
@      2. moving or behaving in a way that does not seem relaxed or comfortable 笨拙的;不灵活的
@  edit vt.   prepare a text or film for printing or broadcasting by correcting mistakes and deciding what to include 编辑;剪辑
@  delete vt.   remove a word, letter, etc. from a piece of writing 删除;删掉
@  forge vt.   1. develop sth. new, esp. a strong relationship with other people, groups or countries 缔结;发展
@      2. make sth. from a piece of metal by heating the metal and shaping it 锻造
@      3. make an illegal copy of sth. in order to cheat 伪造,假冒
@  dispute n.   [C, U] an argument or disagreement 争端;分歧
@   v.   argue or disagree with sb. 争辩;辩驳
@  passport n.   [C] an official document containing personal information which is given to sb. by their government to allow them to travel to foreign countries 护照
@  circumstance n.   [C] (usu. pl.) the conditions that affect what happens or how sb. reacts in a particular situation 情形;状况
@  static a.   not moving, changing or developing 静止的,不变的
valid6 a.   legally acceptable and effective 有效的
@  bearing n.   [U] relation or influence 关系;影响
justification7 n.   [C, U] a good and acceptable reason for doing sth. 正当理由
@  heap n.   [C] a large untidy pile of sth. (凌乱的)一堆
@  shed  vt.    (shed, shed)
@      1. produce light, tears, etc. 发出;流;洒
@      2. get rid of sth. not needed or wanted 去掉;摆脱
@  widen v.   make or become wider (使)变宽
@  drawer n.   [C] 抽屉
Phrases and Expressions
@  store away   keep sth. for future use  储藏;储存
@  insist on   1. strongly demand that sth. should be done  坚决要求
@    2. say firmly that sth. is true  坚持认为
@  make no mistake (about it)   used to emphasize what one is saying is true  完全可以肯定
@  gain in   get more of sth.  得到更多
@  make/hit the headlines   become important news in newspapers or on radio or television  成为头条新闻
@  be in line for sth.   be likely to get sth.  有可能得到
@  under pressure   influenced by urgency or other form of pressure  在压力下,在强力下
@  draw up   prepare a written documents, such as a list or contract  写出;起草
@  send out   send sth. to a number of people  发出;寄出
@  under one's nose   just in front of sb.  就在...面前
@  just about   almost; very nearly  几乎;差不多
@  enter into   1. officially make an agreement  达成(协议);订立(合同)
@    2. begin to do sth.  开始做某事
@  have no bearing on sth.   have no effect or influence on sth., or be irrelevant8 to sth.  对...无影响;与...无关
@  lay sth. bare   make sth. known  揭露;暴露
@  shed light on   make sth. easier to understand  使...易于理解
Proper Names
@  Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis   杰奎琳·肯尼迪·奥纳西斯(1929-1994,美国第35任总统肯尼迪的遗孀,希腊船王奥纳西斯的妻子)
@  Aristotle Onassis   亚里士多德·奥纳西斯(1906-1975,希腊船王)
@  the American Academy of Marriage Lawyers   美国婚姻法律师协会
@  Ed Smith   艾德·史密斯(人名)


1 prospective oR7xB     
  • The story should act as a warning to other prospective buyers.这篇报道应该对其他潜在的购买者起到警示作用。
  • They have all these great activities for prospective freshmen.这会举办各种各样的活动来招待未来的新人。
2 bind Vt8zi     
  • I will let the waiter bind up the parcel for you.我让服务生帮你把包裹包起来。
  • He wants a shirt that does not bind him.他要一件不使他觉得过紧的衬衫。
3 disastrous 2ujx0     
  • The heavy rainstorm caused a disastrous flood.暴雨成灾。
  • Her investment had disastrous consequences.She lost everything she owned.她的投资结果很惨,血本无归。
4 consultant 2v0zp3     
  • He is a consultant on law affairs to the mayor.他是市长的一个法律顾问。
  • Originally,Gar had agreed to come up as a consultant.原来,加尔只答应来充当我们的顾问。
5 inviting CqIzNp     
  • An inviting smell of coffee wafted into the room.一股诱人的咖啡香味飘进了房间。
  • The kitchen smelled warm and inviting and blessedly familiar.这间厨房的味道温暖诱人,使人感到亲切温馨。
6 valid eiCwm     
  • His claim to own the house is valid.他主张对此屋的所有权有效。
  • Do you have valid reasons for your absence?你的缺席有正当理由吗?
7 justification x32xQ     
  • There's no justification for dividing the company into smaller units. 没有理由把公司划分成小单位。
  • In the young there is a justification for this feeling. 在年轻人中有这种感觉是有理由的。
8 irrelevant ZkGy6     
  • That is completely irrelevant to the subject under discussion.这跟讨论的主题完全不相关。
  • A question about arithmetic is irrelevant in a music lesson.在音乐课上,一个数学的问题是风马牛不相及的。
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